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(1 edit)

whatcha doing now that the game is finished, already workin on sumn else or just livin life? thank you for the game by the way, played it a long while back at this point and was just revisiting some things. hope you're doing well!

quick question real quick, do you have any other games in the works ? the art that your team did was gorgeous! also quick note, the link to your game... is a bit iffy, unsure if that was purposeful or not

The link name was a funny unintended result of how links work. I've had the nickname of "Side B" way before I had an account. As for future projects, I've been taking a break from indie game dev for a while, but I'm not against going back to it sometimes in the future. As for TAD, the project lead, he was working on Dragoness Desires, but Patreon shut them down, so it is on indefinite hiatus.

thanks for the update! i will be waiting patiently for if you ever do make a new game, but how has life been treating you ? my life personally has been good but it is rutting season for me so i need "special types of entertainment" to keep my mind intact, hence why i am here, also if you do not mind sharing i would be delighted to hear what inspired you to make this game

That's one question TAD would need to answer, since he is the creator.
I'm the programmer and co-publisher, which is why the game is hosted on my profile. I happened to have the know-about to release games on
But if I had to answer, my inspiration was that Flash died and TAD needed someone to remake the game in Unity. I proposed my services and the rest is history.

so, from coder to coder as my final question, how long do you think we have till ai replaces us ? i am currently working on making an ai that creates designs other ais to do stuff for it so it is on ma brain rn, a few years ago ai could not do squat when it came to coding but now there are coders (albeit very terrible coders) who do not even know how to code and use entirely ai

I would rather not being replaced.

okay! i finished it now, i honestly feel a bit bad for the curse, she obviously was just wanting to live but everytime she simply exists she gets sealed away, one day somebody woke her up and she was not about to let that chance go, in the end she was killed for simply trying to be and was never given a chance, i am sure that she could have had a partial seal placed on her while she learns to behave, or you could look at it that she is pure evil and needs to be destroyed, either way, AWESOME GAME, thanks to you and all of your friends for the storyline, now that the curse is gone i suppose that humans will no longer flood the island so all the inhabitants are free to exist in peace, so maybe it was worth killing the curse

thank you for making all of your hard work free! one day if i ever win the lottery my biggest spending would prob be to creators who put stuff out for free despite all of the effort that went into it, honestly makes me kinda depressed

Are you adding a phone version.


The game browser version keeps on crashing on my xbox browser. Can someone help?

I do not own any Xbox, so alas, I can't be of help.

It also brings up an webpage error message on both my android phone and ipad

The game is not compatible on phones.

then what about my iPad safari browser.

I do not have such platform. I wouldn't know.


Please make an Android version, it hurts because I can't afford a damn Iphone 🥲

Ok but it freezes every time I click the start betton.


Is the playable on a laptop.

It should be.

How to open the second scene with Fia?


this game is dead


The game is finished. You have a strange definition of "dead".

Sorry,i thought this game was no longer updated and not that it had already ended. :)




(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

Will there ever be an Android version? 

nope game is completely finished sadly


Will we have android version?

It doesn't work because I am on a laptop.

which download should I get because their five download's.

You pick the one based on your OS.

Side B I tried to play but the game freezes when I play.

You got to be a little more detailed than that.
- When does it freeze?
- Which platform are you using?
- Are you playing on browser or offline?

It freezes when I click start the platform is and I play on browser.

I would recommend you try a downloadable version.

Do I have to pay for it.

No, it is 100% free.

SPOILERS FOR ENDGAME, I found bugged text

Where's the bug?

I had used the Ruby, and it says the text for the Opal instead.

Ah, yes, you're right.

It was better than I expected 

when will android version will be out?

please some one tell me

There's no android version.

(1 edit) (+1)

When will the android version of the game be released? And will it come out at all?

如果没有中文版本的话  中国人游玩这个游戏将会非常困难XD

How I get the second scene of Fia?

Even though ive typed Get_Wood on the overworld it does not work.


Don't use underscore, use space.

Doesn't work with a space either

We got a text issue.  Happens when getting more Silent flowers.


this is litteratly my favorite game ever wtf


you made some of my favorite games thank you


Ya ponganlo para android porfa 😞😞


Decided to revisit this game, it was more fun than arousing for me, ahah. I enjoyed the minigames a ton! 


Still one of my favorites. Work hasn't gone unappreciated :)

Will you make other games?

This is not currently in my plans, but maybe someday in the future.

Android version?


I've gotten brownie's alternate scene and have talked to her after, but i still dont get her main scene unlocked in the gallery? What am i doing wrong?

I really love the game, and as a French, the French part with Duchess is perfect, especially with the lyrics of the song "je vois la vie en rose" ! So really thank you for this game !

I been playing this on  browser in Android and it's a decent game not gonna lie. 

How are you playing on android browser?

Enjoyed the game, not bad, not great but an enjoyable time. Though I lost multiple times to the final boss, and honestly grew frustrated till I just started mindlessly spamming the attack options and somehow won like that. I’m confused as to how the final fight works and I would love an explanation of why sometimes I’d receive 2 attacks at once? The rhythm felt random to me at least


praying for an android port 🙏

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